Hidden From View

Hiding in the veils of the flowery world,

The darkness prevails under every vein and nerve

The untold words kept hidden in our heart…

Expressed only on the blank pages which are read by none.

The unshed tears: hidden behind mocking smiles,

Find their companions in deep, cold solitude…

The emotions unexpressed, keep burdening our souls;

Yet, we’re unwilling to let them go.

The cold, piercing conflicts, hidden from visual sight

Kill us from within, imploding our minds..

The wishes, dreams and hopes that we strive to achieve,

Are subject to fears of loss, and hence in cages , them we keep…..

The concealed pain splintering our heart,

Masked by a sober visage, while bleeding inside

Hidden is the vivid world; hazed, clouded, blurred….

Only if mankind had eyes to reveal, all that is invisible to us….

We’re all living in hiding, hiding our true selfs, burdened by other people’s thoughts….that needs to change…freedom belongs to each of us…and we ought to bring ourselves into the light, fighting againstthe darkness around us

-Tithi Roy

Author: Tithi Roy

Lost in my world of solidarity.....trying to find my way.

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